Kilswitch Engage in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. Hopefully my friends and I can meet Killswitch after the show. Like near their bus. That would be cool. Rose of Sharyn!
Cross country is now done. Probably won't sink in for about a week. Oh well. This year was pretty fun, but I know track this year is going to so much more funner. I'm good at it too. I'm just sick of running right now. Won't start working out after school until about December maybe.
Red Sox won. Oh Yeah!!
Mmmmm.....sportscar racing and cinnamon toast crunch. Go hand in hand don't they?
Kevin Manthey got a double-bass pedal today!! Yeah! Now, to form a band...
Killswitch Engage, Killswitch Engage, Killswitch Engage.......